Methodist / United Reformed

The Home Alone
Christmas meal 2015 was held at St Jame's Church hall again this year thanks to
the organisation of Vivienne Morris and a hoard of volunteers and helpers
who put lots of time, effort and preparation into making it happen.
Christmas Eve was
a hive of activity as many church members met to prepare vegetables and
lay tables ready for the big day.
Christmas Day
saw approx 45 people come through the door for a meal, with
many others turning up just to help serve and clear-up. The hall was full
of laughter and provided companionship for many people who would otherwise
have been alone. The food was expertly cooked in the kitchen by several
volunteers including John Noone and Lee, they worked tirelessly to
provide the important meal. He even made the soup and a special hot fruit
punch which everyone thoroughly enjoyed.
The 'washer-up'
Pip seemed to be tied to the sink but persevered to the end !
There was the
usual Christmas Quiz for entertainment, and a Christmas present for
everyone at the end, as well as a very generous raffle, which saw everyone
getting a prize.
This is indeed a
very important Christmas event which hopefully will be able to continue. A
big thank-you to all the wonderful planners, contributors, and volunteers
who made it happen.