For some time the Church had wished to develop the old Methodist site in Fore Street, this being a much larger site, and also prominently positioned in the middle of the main shopping street. Several schemes, relying on outside developers, had been proposed. These plans never came to fruition, creating a dilapidated and run down building in the centre of the town of Torpoint, the Church was boarded up and put on the market for sale.
In May 1995 the Church Council decided that something should be done. A project steering group was elected to consider the potential of the Fore street site, with a view to developing it for Church and Community use. The project group spent time examining the site, consulting with present users of church buildings, talking to other potential interested groups, as well as having informal discussions with some members of Torpoint and Caradon Council Officers.
In January 1996, a report was presented to the Church meeting, outlining a possible two phase development of the site, and discussing the level of personal and financial commitment required, as well as potential grant sources. The meeting endorsed this report and instructed the project group to assess the feasibility of taking it forward. Church members were asked to show their support for the project by donations and pledging money over 4 years. At the end of the day £45,000 had been pledged, which matched £45,000 already raised and held in a special redevelopment fund. Promises of money from both URC. and Methodist sources enabled the project group to proceed. PHASE 1. (already completed. Re-opened May 1998) To renovate and refurbish the derelict Methodist Church in Fore Street, creating a modern multi-purpose Church building, for use by the Church plus members of the community.
The aim was to provide a multi-purpose main area, which would be used for worship, other church activities and as a large hall for community use, together with kitchen and toilet facilities. The existing balcony would be retained, with a small room the and vestry rooms below. The large stained glass window in the Fore Street elevation was to be removed to provide an entrance with disabled access. This window was to be renovated and re-sited in the screen between the Church and foyer, lit as a prominent feature. The re-siting of the window would be in memory of Ruth Widdicombe, a member and Elder, past Mayoress and well-loved and respected member of the community.
The Church Steering Group has achieved this at a total cost of £331,000. by church members pledging, fund raising, accessing various grants and raising loans, plus members of church and community purchasing chairs for the interior. The finished building is a magnificent improvement on what was a run down derelict building, thereby improving the whole facade of Fore Street in Torpoint. Whilst Phase 1 has provided a large worship area and multi-purpose hall with self contained kitchen and sanitary facilities, we would also like suitable additional rooms for other church activities, Sunday school and youth activities or the current or future community groups who use church premises.
Rev Al Lowe Tel. 07478 670953
CHURCH MOBILE No. 07895 711323