My date of birth was the 4 August 1921 at number 3,
Gratten Place, Harvey Street. My sister Effie was also born there, she is
the youngest of my sisters and lives in AUSTRALIA. 3, Gratten Place was
raised to the ground during World War two. At the age of two my parents
moved to number 39 Fore Street, Torpoint. My parents eventually bought
this property. When my dad was invalided from, H M Dockyard he bought this
house with the money he got from his gratuity. From that address is where
I remember most of my early boyhood days, they were very happy days indeed
and children were far safer than they are today.
39 Fore Street Torpoint Cornwall Effie 10.5 years Henry 8 years old &
Arthur in Year 1929 |
The things we boys got up too were many & varied,
such as playing at the river side and many times walking or falling into
it. Of course the thing I enjoyed most of all was helping Mr Downing with
his horses. Well, I'm not sure if it was helping or being a nuisance, we
would love to play in the hay loft even to cutting chafe and sliding down
the chute. During the summer months when the horses were put out to grass
after work, sometimes we boys were allowed to ride them from the stables
up to the field, me being a good friend of the two Downing boys, Harry &
Frank I used to have many a good ride. My dad and Mr Downing were very
good friends, so were their wives.
In those days, showing poultry and vegetables was a
very- interesting hobby or pastime, of course, usually all the family were
involved, even today I have in my possession a solid silver cup that my
dad won for having best bird in the show for five years in succession,
altogether he had best bird in show 17 times.
I digressed far enough, so now I shall try to
remember the days before I started school at age five. As I have already
said we had a boat, so the whole family would enjoy the many days out,
either up or down the river. If it was down river, we usually went to Barn
Pool on the edge of Mount Edgcumbe Estate. We usually came in on high
tide, when it was low water, my dad would take a steel hook he had made
and hook out from the rocks edible crabs, of course in the meantime we all
had a great time plus having had a huge picnic lunch. We carried our own
water in four large stone jars with cork stoppers, to cook and get hot
water we had two primus stoves which sometimes caught fire, but I have to
say, my dad was quite good with them. If it was up river we would land at
any suitable place, one place I remember was called Cargreen. One day
mother had the tea all laid out and the family were sat down ready to eat
when my sister Majorie looked up and said, dad there are lots of cows
walking this way, he looked up and said, oh they are only milking cows,
they are alright. Effie looked up and said there's a big one running down,
dad looked up and shouted That's A BULL, quick, pack everything up. We
just grabbed everything and all ran back to the boat.
I remember that we had a 21ft sailing boat that my father built himself
where he was born in Flushing near Falmouth in Cornwall. He sailed it up
to Torpoint with two other friends, it was called Hilda after my sister
who died when I was two years old, she was buried at Mylor Church Yard. I
have many relations who still live in Flushing. I have checked with my
sister who lives in Australia and can now proceed to print in more
While we lived at 39 Fore Street my mother started to run the tea hut down
at the Lawn Torpoint. Now called Thanks Park. and all of us were involved
in the working of it, we used to make ice cream in various tubs using real
milk and real ice with freezing salts, the tubs ranged from 3 gallons to
2, 1, and half a gallon, the milk mixture had to be frozen by turning the
handle on the tubs. A backbreaking job, many times when after making the
ice-cream, the weather turned bad all this ice-cream stock was lost, so it
was a risky business
Majorie Mum Annie Reed
We also had a donkey called Billy, my father made all the harness and also
made a saddle plus he built a proper cart, it was painted dark blue with
red wheels
I also remember the first shop my mother had; it was in Harvey Street on
the side of Mr Andrews shop which faced into Elliot Square. It is now a
hairdressers, our second shop was in Rowe Street, it was on the site where
there is now a summer seat opposite the two telephones behind the Post
Office. The next shop was in Fore Street which is now called WEAR and
![](24ForeSt%20E-Banks%201928.jpg) The next shop was at No. 24 Fore Street, that shop was a High
Class confectioners, I remember it well, because that is where I had two
teeth out, my sister Majorie was told to put pepper on my gum, I suppose
the pepper was so hot that I forgot the ache. This shop is now a
solicitor’s office, owned by Trobridges.
From there my mother bought number 40 Fore Street from a Mrs Selby next to
our own house at 39. We were bombed out from there and ordered to get a
more secure place from which to issue rationed goods, so we acquired
number 18 Harvey Street, now built into Council flats.
At this shop we employed a girl called Trixi Coombs. While rationing was
still on we moved lock stock and barrel to 12 Merrifield Terrace now
called North Road. The shop has now been converted into living