Sunday 15thAugust 1993

Our first evening away from Torpoint quite and calm, little cool in evening pinkly sky slightly overcast. Cawsand beautiful village with three beaches, breakwater slightly to port.

Byron feeling Poorly
Byron feeling Poorly

Monday 16-8-93
Ralph woke half six, sailed from Cawsand 7oclock Byron feeling sick, and was sick one hour later over the side thankfully. 9:30 Ralph below, Kurt helmed for an hour, getting to be a proper little sailor. Calm sea beautiful weather. N breeze off shore, bouncy. Byron Felt better by 10am had crisps. 90.5 Nmiles abeam Looe Island 10:13hrs Course 260 nearly due west Arrived Fowey lunchtime had dinner, boys played in dinghy, went into Fowey for a walk and fruit, had Mackerel which Ralph caught –loverly- moved the boat two times.
Will watch the fireworks tonight, meet TMSC man Noel Perkins – Boat Airasu, very nice – reminds me of cousin Robert Crawson.


17/8/93 Tuesday
We left Fowey at 8am Sunny weather and calm, but outside was rather choppy. 4 hours to Falmouth Kurt Byron and myself felt sick on the way over. Had a nice chat with people who moored next to us, saw French people we met in Fowey. After dinner walked about Falmouth. Later had fish & chips in cafe, Young chap gave us some Mackerel we’ll eat them tomorrow for snack.

Pendennis Castle
Pendennis Castle

18/8/93 Wednesday
Not feeling so good with cold, everybody enjoying themselves today had breakfast out fry-up at the Salamanca Cafe. Left Falmouth


around 2.30pm. saw Tony Ayres, outside the harbour very flat and sunny, loverly. Towed a man in his little boat to Helford arrived 4.30pm.

place, praise God for calm weather. As we were preparing for the Mackerel for tea which a boy gave to us in Falmouth. The man came over with his wife with a bottle of wine, as thanks invited us to their Bar-b-q but Ralph declined as we were waiting for the Harbour Master, who never came as we were rafeted up with some one , and might have had to move. It's a beautiful


Busy day at Helford, weather perfect couldn't have wished for a more beautiful day or setting. Motored in the dinghy, first stop Helford Passage had ice cream, second stop walk in Durgan gardens  later the boys played on rocks. Ralph and I sunbathed . Back to the boat for coffee, after visited Tremayne Quay, built for Queen Victoria's visit, she never arrived Albert was sick! Visited by Smith's 100 yrds later boys climbed trees lovely walk, after motoring past tree with rope, Kurt & Byron had a wonderful time swinging from it and me. Later down Frenchmans creek, saw Kingfisher, back to boat changed, had meal at Port Navis S.C. saw man Ralph towed other day, excellent day Praise the Lord!

20-8-93 Friday


Left Helford today after shower at the HRSC. beautiful and calm, sailed to Falmouth, it was so good Ralph said, how about trying for Truro, so off we went, passed King Harrys Ferry up the river passed old ships, Ralph manovered his way along with the depth gauge, lowest point 1.2 meters , motored right up to the Tesco stores, and Truro Cathederal about 5min walk, was really odd. Moored against wall, Ralph will have a busy night adjusting ropes making sure we don't fall over, will attach the mast to the bollards!

Truro River
To River Fal

21st Aug 93 Saturday
Left Truro 8am. flat calm moored up near King Harry's ferry for a fried breakfast, beans egg tomatoes coffee. after we left Truro I felt really sick was sick a little later. hurt my neck in so doing. Motored all the way to Fowey, calm and sunny. Fowey very busy, about 4pm. moored up next to some older people very nice. Had dinner, Kurt motored the dinghy across the river to get water and Byron motored back. They are both doing very well on handling the dinghy. Later in evening fireworks display - the mood is very happy. Ralph bought 4 flares for dinghy display at 9pm. It was a brilliant evening, flat calm seemed as though all the dinghies in the river were out. The precession was fabulous lights every where. It was a real treat, Kurt & Byron had a great time, later in evening Fireworks Display 10pm. Ralph made soup & roll, fireworks display was really good, a great end to evening, bed 11pm.

22nd Aug 93 Sunday

Lazy morning, scrambled eggs bread rolls, fresh morning N 4,5 . Stayinf Fowey tonight, coldest day so far. Went for walk round Fowey, got bread rolls went back to boat, bit choppy on the river. Ralph had to get some gas for the cooker as it's run out. Evening the water was a little calmer, went over to the little beach five minutes from the boat. Kurt & Byron having a great time, so I went over as well, joined in fun swinging from rope dangling from tree on the beach later climbed the steps with Kurt then Byron went further on coastal walk overlooking Fowey a beautiful view. Then we came back to the boat, there were fish jumping in the water . Took Kurt five minutes to catch one or two, coal fish put them back as we couldn't manage to eat them.

23rd Aug 93 Monday

Left Fowey 8.45am N-E 3,5 good trip home, cold but dry. All happy and singing enjoyed myself at the helm. Arrived Torpoint three o'clock children very pleased to be home. they had a good bath when they got in.

Mum & Dad called in popped out to do some shopping.

The boys enjoyed their tea and watching the TV. Sandra phoned more problems with her back.

24th Aug 93 Tuesday

Ralph suggested we went to Polruin for the day, called into see Mum & Dad just missed Jim Val & family. Took Dads camcorder fantastic views Fowery & Polruin have there own charm beautiful coast line, had soup and roll in cafe, Ralph over heard a man talking walking home, so he suggested if we see him on the road we would give him a lift home, which we did, he invited us into his beautiful cottage for a cup of tea which we accepted. He is French his name is Jack Melotopolis he lives in London but has a cottage in Lasalos Nr. Polruin. We enjoyed his company, he thought Kurt was a nice funny boy. Byron had a swing that was from the tree in his garden. His wife was nursing their sick Mum in London he was a charming man.
Called into see Stan and Betty had a nice chat and cup of coffee. They are a super couple, we are rather fond of them both, Kurt & Byron like them as well.

Called into Trago Mills on the way home to change picture frame. Had tea Windy Ridge Ralph bought me two chine dogs for my Anniversary. Later called into Mum & Dad's Jim & Val home, had a nice couple of hours chatting, good to see them all, they are growing into lovely young people.