Tara, Giselle, Wolf, Tye, Laila
On Isle of Man Sept 2022

First of all, it didn´t go right; Travelodge Stafford M6 booking for 7th Sept: Date 7th right! wrong Month Nov.!!! But we did get a room for the night.

Thursday 8th Sept: stopped at the Half Moon Bay Cafe in Heysham before getting in the Queue about 12:00 hrs got in line. The boat 12:30hrs unloaded by 13:00hrs we didn´t start to load till 13:30hrs left on time 15:15hrs we were one of the first on and Paulene went up and got us dinner: me fish and chips Paulene had Pasta. Loads of windfarms and a few oil rigs. Very nice sea small waves a comfortable ride. Got in early and drove off the boat 5min to 18:00hrs and by the time we drove over the mountain Snaefell we heard that the Queen had died. Wolf was at home and we went to pick up Amelita after work.

On Ferry
On Isle of Man Ferry

Friday 9 Sept: took Amy into work with Wolf, Tara & Giselle called in to say that we should take Wolf to the park for his exercise it took over ½ an hour to walk to the cafe he is making an effort to exercise we had coffee. Wolf paid for the coffee normally the girls go with him and they pay for him. As a woman came past, I thought I recognised her, but she just walked past! As I went out there was all the family coming to celebrate Tye´s Birthday.

Tye's Birthday
Tye's Birthday

We were invited to his house in Andreas for that evening. Amy also was invited by Amy´s friends to a party; we were not able to eat very much as Tye had had eats as well. So, we were given lots to take away.

Saturday 10th Sept: Amy worked the morning. I drove her there with Wolf after which we went to Tara & Garry and saw lots of ski-ing films seeing Wolf going into the trees. Giselle came in and then Shanice. They took Paulene round to her house. Garry made me a copy of the ski-ing video.

Wolf & Amy
At Peel Castle

In the afternoon we took Wolf & Amy to Peel and had ice cream before a walk to the castle after which we had fish & chips.

Sunday 11th Sept: Amy working all day Tara, Giselle and Laila took Paulene to Ballaglass Glen for a Walk where they met their doctor reading to his girls.

Ballaglass Glen

I called Thomas Parry and asked if Wolf & I could visit; I didn´t know they were home before. We visited & saw Tavis & cousins (who stayed the night) Rohman & Raven (whose dad´s birthday was the Friday and had gone out for the evening.) We were told the family was at the cafe at the swimming pool. We crossed the road. Tye showed off his car and I asked what the engine was. ´Well it´s electric.´ I was surprised. At the pool Paulene was with the girls. We were invited to have a ride in Tye´s Jaguar together with his daughter & son. Paulene said she would go if Raven would hold her hand. It was just as well. When he set off up the mountain road, he left a gap in the traffic, then floored the throttle and we were pressed back in the seat as Tye snaked up the winding mountain TT course as Raven said “Go faster Daddy !” We managed over 100 miles per hour before Tye turned around at the Mountain Box and took us back into Ramsey to the swimming pool where I had parked our car. Paulene fell out and said she was glad to get out as it had nearly made her sick.
We had lunch with the family at Andreas in The Grosvenor

and saw Mark, Giselle´s husband and Tomai. After lunch to the Mooragh Lake Park Costa Coffee, where the family gathered while Rohman did his Rugby practice.

Monday 12th Sept: Amy off work and we drove to Douglas saw Tara with Elliot going for a walk as we were going out of Ramsey on the coast road. We had to wait as we came a bit late for the 09:05 train to Port Erin and the took the next 11:05 train. Yes!

Castle Town
Castle Town Station

It was a steam train; but not a corridor carriage. We saw a train pass at castle town. When we got there, it had taken an hour, we didn´t find many shops for souvenirs, so we came back on the 13:00hrs train and we were in the last compartment next to the guards. It was nice to smell the coal fired engine. Garry called my phone to say the family had arranged a meal for 18:30hrs if that was OKAY! In Douglas we bought flowers & wine at Tesco but then had soup at Marks & Sparks. At 18:30 we drove to Tara´s & Garry´s flat. All of Wolf´s children who were on the island were there.

Wolf's  Family
Wolf's Family

Here we met Bryce and his girlfriend for the first time, also Hermione who had been doing course work earlier in the day. Paulene was offered a ride on Garry´s motor bike and was dressed in Tara´s motorcycle gear.

Bike Ride
They set off on the TT course

An experience for Paulene & Garry! After the meal - contributed by all - it was nice to talk to family. Garry had us get in a group photo. It was a pity that Tye had left by then.

13th Sept. 2022: we had to book in for the boat by 08:00hrs so left 06:50hrs and got to Douglas by 07:30hrs. After we loaded up and found a seat in the lounge where we had a large Steampacket Breakfast. This took some of the time of the crossing. The boat got in and unloaded 13:00hrs. Night with Jeannie Beaney & Tony at Manchester. Wed 14 Sept 15:00hrs arrived Kurt´s